Centro Funzionale Regionale - Valle d'Aosta - Monitoriamo il clima, tuteliamo il territorio e la tua sicurezza

Weather Maps

Maps of temperatures

In the following pictures it is possible to compare the temperatures of the last three days

The maps show the temperatures observed at the same time today, yesterday and the day before yesterday. With these maps it is possible to compare the temperatures of the last three days.

Precipitation maps

The following maps show the cumulated precipitation during the last two days

The lower maps show the recorded rainfall of the latest 48 hours. In case of snowfall, the rain gauges are heated to melt the snow in order to measure the equivalent mm in rain. The precipitation is therefore the sum of the rainfall and snowfall.

Snowfall maps

In the following picture it is possible to see the snowfalls of the last days

The snowfall maps show the fresh snow (cm) fallen in the last 24 hours and in the last 3 days.
The maps of snow height show the data coming from the daily manual surveys (MOD1) and from the automatic stations (AWS).

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