Centro Funzionale Regionale - Valle d'Aosta - Monitoriamo il clima, tuteliamo il territorio e la tua sicurezza

Weekly weather forecast

Forecast for the next three weeks

Based on the ECMWF monthly forecast system
Issue on martedì 21 gennaio 2025

The weekly forecast includes a general and not detailed forecast, which can give an idea of the overall and average expected conditions, and how much this situation can differ from the typical climatological conditions of the period.

We highlight that the reliability of the weekly forecast is generally medium-low. The first week is usually the most reliable, whereas often the third week is more similar to the climatology of the period.

The goal of this section is to give an idea of the average weekly behaviour which differ from the evolution of individial meteorological events.

Download the forecast in pdf

Forecast of the week from
lunedì 27 gennaio e domenica 02 febbraio
La situazione dovrebbe essere caratterizzata da correnti occidentali, con temperature leggermente superiori alle medie del periodo e precipitazioni superiori alla climatologia.
General values compared to the average of the period
  • + Temp. at 1500m
  • + Precipitation
Forecast of the week from
lunedì 03 febbraio e domenica 09 febbraio
La circolazione in quote dovrebbe essere all'insegna di correnti nord-occidentali, con temperature lievemente superiori alle medie e precipitazioni leggermente inferiori alle attese.
General values compared to the average of the period
  • + Temp. at 1500m
  • - Precipitation
Forecast of the week from
lunedì 10 febbraio e domenica 16 febbraio
Le correnti in quota nord-occidentali potrebbero continuare a dominare la situazione, con temperature in linea con la climatologia e precipitazioni lievemente inferiori alle medie.
General values compared to the average of the period
  • = Temp. at 1500m
  • - Precipitation

Legend to read correctly

symbols and colours in the previous paragraphs
  • ++ anomalies greater than 3°C compared to the climate of the period
  • + anomalies greater than 1°C compared to the climate of the period
  • = temperature anomaly between -1 and 1°C
  • - anomalies less than -1°C compared to the climate of the period
  • -- anomalies less than -3°C compared to the climate of the period
  • ++ anomalies greater than 30mm/week compared to the climate of the period
  • + anomalies greater than 10mm/week compared to the climate of the period
  • = precipitation anomaly between -10 and 10mm/week compared to the climate of the period
  • - anomalies less than -10mm/week compared to the climate of the period
  • -- anomalies less than -30mm/week compared to the climate of the period