Centro Funzionale Regionale - Valle d'Aosta - Monitoriamo il clima, tuteliamo il territorio e la tua sicurezza

Weather forecast

Weather forecast

Issued Saturday 28 September 2024 alle 11:15
Weather forecaster Giulio Contri
Listen to the weather

Saturday 28 September 2024

Poco nuvoloso Poco nuvoloso Nuvoloso Nuvoloso Nuvoloso Poco nuvoloso Aosta Valley map
Poco nuvoloso Poco nuvoloso Nuvoloso Nuvoloso Nuvoloso Poco nuvoloso Aosta Valley map

Irregular cloudiness in the border areas, with light snowfalls, fairly sunny elsewhere with high cloud cover.

Temperatures: falling.

Pressure: rising.

Winds: 3000 m strong North-westerly, easing; foehn in the valleys.

Warnings: strong winds on the summits with foehn in the valleys.

  • Freezing level: 2200m » 2500m
  • Temp 1500 m: 4°C » 9°C
  • Temp 3000 m: -5°C » -4°C
Temperature Max
Location Min Max
Aosta 9 °C 19 °C
Cogne 0 °C 9 °C
Courmayeur 4 °C 13 °C
Donnas 14 °C 20 °C
Gressoney-Saint-Jean 3 °C 11 °C
Cervinia 0 °C 5 °C

Sunday 29 September 2024

Velato Velato Velato Velato Velato Velato Aosta Valley map
Nuvoloso Nuvoloso Nuvoloso Nuvoloso, pioggia/neve debole Nuvoloso Nuvoloso Aosta Valley map

Sunny, with thin high cloud cover, increasing in cloudiness from the afternoon, light precipitation in the late evening in the North-western areas, snowy above 2300-2400 m.

Temperatures: falling slightly in the valleys, rising slightly on the summits.

Pressure: stable.

Winds: 3000 m light to moderate South-westerly; breezes in the valleys.

Warnings: no warning.

  • Freezing level: 2400m » 2800m
  • Temp 1500 m: 2°C » 8°C
  • Temp 3000 m: -4°C » -1°C
Temperature Min Max
Location Min Max
Aosta 7 °C 16 °C
Cogne -1 °C 8 °C
Courmayeur 3 °C 12 °C
Donnas 11 °C 19 °C
Gressoney-Saint-Jean 2 °C 10 °C
Cervinia -2 °C 5 °C

Monday 30 September 2024

Nuvoloso Nuvoloso Nuvoloso, pioggia/neve debole Nuvoloso, pioggia/neve debole Nuvoloso, pioggia/neve debole Nuvoloso Aosta Valley map
Poco nuvoloso Poco nuvoloso Nuvoloso Nuvoloso Nuvoloso Poco nuvoloso Aosta Valley map

Mostly cloudy in the morning in the North-western areas, with light precipitation, snowy above 2300-2400 m, partly sunny elsewhere, clearing up from the afternoon.

Temperatures: rising slightly.

Pressure: falling slightly.

Winds: 3000 m strong from WSW,; foehn episodes from the afternoon in the valleys.

  • Freezing level: 2700m » 3200m
Temperature Min Max
Location Min Max
Aosta 10 °C 18 °C
Cogne 5 °C 12 °C
Courmayeur 7 °C 14 °C
Donnas 12 °C 20 °C
Gressoney-Saint-Jean 6 °C 13 °C
Cervinia 2 °C 8 °C

Next days

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895 895 Aosta Valley map
Wed 02 Oct 2024
895 895 Aosta Valley map
Thu 03 Oct 2024
835 835 Aosta Valley map
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835 835 Aosta Valley map

Unsettled weather conditions on Tuesday and Wednesday, precipitation likely, snow limit decreasing from 2800 to 2200 m, irregular cloudiness on Thursday and Friday.