The Aosta Valley Autonomous Region regional weather service contributes to the organization and development of the Tor des Géants, giving detailed weather information both by telephone (in working hours) and by means of specific bulletins. These bulletins are intended for both athletes and promoters, providing the weather forecast and possible weather issues along the routes covered by the athletes. The weather bulletins, which must be consulted by the athletes, are published every day by 14:00 on the specific Telegram channel of the Aosta Valley Functional Centre and at the web page
TORX Weather
TORX Weather
The weather report for the Tor des Géants

Download PDFs of the various sectors
The map below represents the stages of the Tor des Géants and the sectors are reflected in the forecast pdfs

In this section you can download weather reports for each sector of the race starting from the day before departure until the end of the race.
PDF reading
How can I read the PDF data?
For each stage of the race, the weather bullettin shows the evolution for the upcoming 36 hours in blocks of six hours. The main weather issues are highlighted with specific icons (thunderstorm, rain, snow, wind, fog, cold, hot), with the indication of the wind-chill (the feeling of tempeture due to the combination of cold and wind) at the highest point of the race, only when the temperature is below 0 °C.
For each weather issue, the icon may be absent (probability of occurrence <30%, but not excluded), or black on a white background (less significant) or white on a black background (more significant), depending on the probability of occurrence, the expected intensity and the portion of territory affected. Fog is indicated when it is expected to affect large parts of the route and not just the high altitudes, where even a single cloud can locally cause a strong reduction in visibility. A brief legend in English in the weather bulletin helps the reader; the altimetric profile and the location in the regional territory of the stage of interest are also highlighted.
For a more comprehensive view of the weather forecast for the regional territory, please refer to the general weather bulletin - containing the description of the situation, the details for the first three days and a trend for the following four days - updated daily (in Italian, French and English). The forecast for the first two days, with text (in English) and images, is also reported in the specific bulletin for the Tor des Géants.
For further information visit:
Follow us on Telegram
Download the Telegram App and follow the "Meteo VdA" channel

There is an Aosta Valley Region Telegram channel where you can download the Tor des Géants bulletins.
You can reach the channel in two ways:
1. Click and follow
Follow this link to go to the channel. Then open "View in channel"; if you do not have Telegram you will be forwarded to the download Store
2. Enter Telegram and search "Meteo VdA"
Enter the channel, click "Register" and you will receive updates
What Telegram is?
Telegram is a messaging app focused on speed and security, simple and free. Channels are a tool for spreading public messages to a large audience. When an admin posts in a channel, messages are received by all users who have joined but no one can reply, this prevents receiving messages that are not relevant to the channel. New members can view the entire history of the channel when they join.
Channels have usernames. Our is "Meteo VdA": find it with a simple Telegram search.
How to install Telegram on a smartphone.
- Go to The Play Store or Apple Store;
- Search Telegram;
- Click "Download";
- Enter your phone number;
- Choose your nickname.
Search "Meteo VdA" public channel and start to follow us.
The photos below are owned by TORX.